Archive for June, 2005

Equal Pay for Equal Backstabbing

Posted in Myths and Lores on June 10th, 2005

Recently, women have come out en masse waving a giant banner that says:

“We don’t have equal pay yet, but we’re much closer!”

What you can’t pick up on the news unless you have a Tivo, is the fine print at the bottom of the banner that says:

“Total Bullshit!” [Read more]

Women Traded Cooking and Cleaning for Blowjobs

Posted in The MANifesto on June 8th, 2005

Ever wonder why the only place you can get a home cooked, fresh baked apple pie these days is at Marie Calendar’s or at your grandmother’s house?

It’s because during a movement called “Women’s Liberation”, women traded cooking and cleaning for blowjobs [Read more]

Knight to Pawn Four. Check and Bullshit.

Posted in Doings and Dealings on June 6th, 2005

Wherever there is a league of sports, there is a separate and exclusive women’s league to weep in its shadow. That’s because a man playing against a woman in any sport is like Superman playing against a team of cacti wearing funny, oversized sunglasses.

It’s cute and hilarious. [Read more]

Nature’s Filibuster

Posted in The MANifesto on June 3rd, 2005

Arguing with a woman is like walking through a Fun House of Mirrors.

Sure it’s fun for a while. You get to see yourself in new and interesting ways, something that we men love to do to grow emotionally and in character. But then it gets really fucking irritating and disorienting because almost none of it makes any kind of sense and you have to keep backtracking to make progress that you thought you made like ten minutes ago.

Where the fuck are the stairs? [Read more]

Dress For Failure Doesn’t Rhyme

Posted in Doings and Dealings on June 1st, 2005

Have you ever heard a woman talk about a man wearing a suit? Good Lord, it’s disgusting. Whenever my man-sense (which is a lot like common sense except hundreds of times more powerful) tells me that the topic is a-brewin, I immediately reach for a pair of galoshes because all of the nearby women are about to commence drooling like savages.

It makes one wonder, if women are so obsessed with how men dress, why do all women dress like complete shit? [Read more]