Archive for October, 2005

Fool Me Once, Shame on Me

Posted in Myths and Lores on October 12th, 2005

Men are better than women at procuring loans. Bank loans, personal loans, whatever you want. Think of this situation.

A man approaches either you or a bank and asks for 10,000 dollars or pounds sterling to start a computer repair store or a restaurant.

“Sounds interesting.” You might say. “Tell me more.”

You’ll probably get an interesting answer. Now picture this scenario. A woman approaches you and says you should give her the same amount to start a bead store or a stationary store or some fucking online shit that sells crappy, hand-made jewelry to shut-ins with seven cats. Whatever it is I have a pretty good idea of what either you as a man or you as a bank as a bank would say:

“Fuck you, bitch. That’s the craziest shit I’ve ever heard.” [Read more]

One Small Step for Man, One Enormous Step Backwards for Women

Posted in World News on October 10th, 2005

From the point of view of a sportsman, there is nothing worse than watching children at play. Unforced errors, misunderstandings of basic rules and protocols, a complete disregard for fundamentals; all of these and more plague little leagues across the Earth. However, as a man, there is nothing more fulfilling than watching these same children playing in a league that is all their own — free to excel and set the bar as they see fit in a system that’s bent over backwards to suit them.

That’s exactly how I feel about Hilary Clinton being inducted into the Women’s Hall of Fame.

Women have a hall of fame? Isn’t that cute. [Read more]

Man’s Real Best Friend

Posted in Wallow in It on October 7th, 2005

Have you ever made beer? Probably. Your answer is “probably” not necessarily because of the question, but because you’re a man and women have brow-beaten men into answering with ambiguity over the course of several millennia.

“Yeah. This is probably me standing here. Why are you asking?”

Because why the fuck would she be asking? Ambiguity is good Manjo. Next question. Have you ever thought about making beer?

“Yes” is the answer to that. An emphatic yes. That’s because at least once in his life, every man has looked down at a glass or a pail of tasty-delicious brew and thought to himself, ‘where does it all come from?’ Just like a woman does when she looks at her thighs. I’m not sure because I have no frame of reference, but I bet the seat belts in Barbie’s Dream Mustang do not have a notch for Thunder Thighs. [Read more]

This Steak Is Overly Chartreuse

Posted in The MANifesto on October 5th, 2005

In my series of things to ask women if you’re looking for a laugh try this one. Ask a woman to define any the following words:


Or make up your own! Pull random words from whatever a woman’s saying like I do. The fun in the game isn’t what words you know or use, it’s what words women don’t know, but use anyway. All of them. Every single fucking chance they get. [Read more]

The Big O

Posted in Myths and Lores on October 3rd, 2005

I was recently watching some television (where a properly inspired man can learn just about anything he wants) and I learned some alarming statistics.

70% of women have never had an orgasm during sex.

That’s interesting, I thought. I would have guessed it was way lower than that because really who gives a shit? You can’t squeeze blood from a rock. Then my suspicions of data tampering were confirmed.

85% of men do not enjoy performing oral sex.

Horseshit. The correct percentage is 100. [Read more]